From 7th to 8th of June 20§4 the first Cletic Music Festival occured. It was a big success. Thousends of visitors enjoyed the little mediveal town and the fine weather.

The festival icluded music, singing, dancing and culinary specialities from all "Celtic Nations". An "All Star Group" accompamied the worldwide known solo musicans. A selection from the participiants: the piper Stuart Samson, the world champion in scotish drumming Mark Wilson, from Ireland the band COOLMORE, the irish fiddle champion Josie Nugent, the irish pipechampion Brian Stafford, the singer Kate Crossan with her husband Lee at the concertina, the guitarplayer and singer from the Battlefield Band Sean O'Donnell, from France the guitarplayer and singer Olivier LeClercq and the highland-dancinggroup "Highland Dancing Basel" under the direction of Carol Jones.

There was also a big offer of beer, irish/scotch whiskytasting and gastronomic specialities from Ireland and Scotland.

view gallery PICTURE GALLERY - Celtic Music Festival in Avenches, 7./8. Juni 2014