2024 National Muster of Fife and Drums


                                          to The Kentish Guards R.I.M. and The Pawtuxet Rangers
                                                                       for sponsoring
                                        The 2024 National Fife and Drum Muster at Fort Adams, R.I.

I began my association with the Kentish Guards as an 8 year old fifer ( who wanted to be a drummer) in the mid 1960's having no idea of how this would not only impact but actually create the life that would follow for me. Fife and drum music led to traditional Irish music which led to designing and building instruments for present and future generations of players. Hundreds of miles marched, thousands of concerts performed, millions of miles travelled, none of which would have happened without my drum corps background...

Thank you to the early Kentish Guardsmen who had the vision and dedication to start and     maintain the Kentish Guards Fife and Drum Corps and to the future members for continuing the mission for the next 250 years as well.

Thank you to the Kentish Guards Fife and Drum Corps for being the FIRST group to take the huge step of switching to my Healy fifes as well, becoming perhaps the only group to play fifes and drums built entirely by current or former Corps members.

                                                              Here's to the next 250 years, HUZZAH!!!!!


Barlow "Skip" Healy
Past and future Kentish Guardsman.






  • Past Events / Videos (DE)


    Skip Tessin, Switzerland 1989

    So viele Events - Konzerte, Sessions, private Auftritte, im ganz kleinen oder im gigantischen Rahmen - nicht mehr zählbar durch die letzten Jahrzehnte.
    An dieser Stelle präsentiere ich eine Zusammenfassung der Highlights aus den vergangenen Jahren. Nicht alles kann Platz finden, die Auswahl ist weder vollständig noch repräsentativ.

    Obwohl man nicht zu viel und zu lange zurückschauen sollte, möchte ich Euch diese Seiten nicht vorenthalten.

    Viel Vergnügen beim Stöbern in der Vergangenheit!